Committee Member
Brief info
Alberto Romele is an associate professor of communication and media theory at the ICM, the Institute of Communication and Media, Sorbonne Nouvelle University. I have been a researcher at the IZEW, the International Center for Ethics in Sciences and Technology, University of Tübingen, an associate professor of philosophy and ethics of technology at the Catholic University of Lille, and a postdoc at the University of Porto. His research focuses on digital hermeneutics, the imaginaries of AI, and the use of popular images in communication on science and technology. He is a member of the board of the SPT, the Society for Philosophy and Technology, and an associate editor of the journal Philosophy & Technology. Romele is the author of two monographs: Digital Hermeneutics: Philosophical Investigations in New Media and Technologies (Routledge, 2019); Digital Habitus: A Critique of the Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence (Routledge, 2023).