Board Member
Brief info
Anne Alombert is associate professor in contemporary philosophy at University Paris 8. Her researches focus on the relationships between life, technology and knowledge (particularly in the works of Canguilhem, Simondon, Derrida and Stiegler) and on the anthropological and political challenges of digital automation and artificial intelligence. She contributed to the book Bifurcate. There is no alternative, written with Bernard Stiegler and the Internation collective. She is the author of Penser l’humain et la technique. Simondon et Derrida après la métaphysique (ENS Editions, 2023), Schizophrénie numérique. La crise de l'esprit à l'ère des nouvelles technologies (Allia, 2023) and Le capital que je ne suis pas ! Mettre l’économie et le numérique au service de l’avenir (with Gaël Giraud, Fayard, 2024).