Committee Member
Brief info
Elisa Caldarola (PhD University of Padua, 2011) is tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Turin. She specializes in aesthetics and philosophy of art, and has research interests in philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and philosophy of language. A former Fulbright scholar (University of Maryland, 2015/2016), she has been a visiting research student at The Queen's College, Oxford (2008-2010), in addition to holding a series of postdoctoral positions at the University of Padua, which awarded her a STARS Starting Grant (2018-2020). Between August 2023 and July 2026, she will be working as Marie Sklodowska Curie Global Fellow at the University of Turin and at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, on a project titled "The role of imagination in the experience of installation art". She has published papers in Ergo, JAAC, Topoi, and other international peer-reviewed journals, as well as in international collected volumes. Her most recent monograph is "Filosofia dell'arte contemporanea. Installazioni, siti, oggetti" (Quodlibet 2020).