Committee Member
Brief info
Jenny Ponzo is Associate Professor of Semiotics at the University of Turin (Italy), Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Between 2018 and 2024 she was the Principal Investigator of the ERC StG research project NeMoSanctI – New Models of Sanctity in Italy (nemosancti.eu) and the President of the Master’s Degree Program in Communication and Media Cultures. Among her institutional responsibilities, she has been the Director of the Interdepartmental Research Center on Communication (CIRCe, 2019-2025) and the vice-Director of the School of Humanistic Sciences (2022-2024). She formerly carried out research at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Faculty of Arts, and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany), Interfaculty Programme for the Study of Religion. She is the author of numerous essays concerning the semiotics of religious cultures, of literature, of law and semio-ethics. She published three monographs, among which “Religious Narratives in Italian Literature after the Second Vatican Council: a Semiotic Analysis” (De Gruyter 2019).