Committee Member
Brief info
Paolo Vignola, PhD, is invited professor of Philosophy of Technology, Digital Ethics, and Genealogy of AI at the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome (2024/2025) and scientific coordinator of the Antonianum's Master in Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. He is scientific co-director of the Professor Challenger School of Philosophy (Lecco), in collaboration with the Doctorate School in Philosophy at the University of Roma Tre. A scholar of moral philosophy (qualified ASN II fascia), philosophy of technology and contemporary French philosophy, he has mainly dealt with the aesthetic, ethical and political thought of Gilles Deleuze and Bernard Stiegler, to whom he has devoted numerous essays and edited several journal issues (Aut Aut, Etica & Politica, La Deleuziana). He also translated from French to Italian several Stiegler’s books, namely Technics and Time I, Taking care, Automatic Society. In recent years, he has developed research on the topics of smart cities, AI, algorithmic governmentality (Rouvroy) and data extractivism, as well as on the ecological-political issues related to the philosophical discourse on the Anthropocene. On these topics too, he has edited several journal issues (Lo Sguardo, Azimuth, Ethics & Politics) and collected books. On these topics he has been researcher in charge (ER) for the Universidad de las Artes in Guayaquil (Ecuador) within the European projects Real Smart Cities (Horizon 2020, Rise - Marie Curie actions) and NEST (Networking Ecologically Smart Territories) (Horizon 2020, Rise - Marie Curie actions). His latest monographs include, with F. Domenicali, Deleuze. Filosofia di una vita (Carocci 2023); La funzione N. Sulla macchinazione filosofica in Gilles Deleuze (Orthotes 2018).